Research & Resources

The Scranton School, with the Western Pennsylvania School for the Deaf, believes that only through research and review of current academic practice can continued improvement in academics be achieved. To this end, a formal Research Review Committee was established several years ago that oversees all research being done on both campuses. Dr. Marc Marschark, a world-renown researcher from NTID, chairs this committee that reviews each proposal submitted and makes decisions related each project.
Yearly research is analyzed and reported. This yearly summary is reviewed and used to provide feedback to administration and instructional staff. Adaptations in curriculum, strategies and methods are made based on the results and findings of the research.
The school believes that only through constant review and evaluation can goals continue to be set high and the bar constantly raised to have students on grade level. We must have high expectations for our students!
Yearly progress is measured through PSSA (Pa state test), PASA (Pa alternate test), and through SAT 10. Data is reviewed by grade level, by individual student and their age.
The annual Progress Report is available to anyone with interest, this report summarizes all above statistics for the specific year.
Resources are available through The Scranton School and through WPSD. Staff is available to do a wide variety of in-services for professionals and for parents. These in-service programs can be held at any site and date.
Staff members available to provide assistance to others include and is not limited to: school psychologist, audiologists, reading specialist, transition coordinator, sign language instructors, speech language pathologists, and deaf education specialists.
A mobile audiological testing booth can be driven to any place for evaluations. Health Fairs, college fairs, job fairs all benefit from the use of this unit.