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COVID Update 11-2020

Dear Programs of WPSD Families and Employees,

As we near the holidays, we know many of you may have family from another state coming to visit you or you may going to visit family in another state. During the holidays, we know how important it is to spend time with your family and loved ones. However, before you do, we ask that you will be smart and safe. We believe that in-person instruction is the most beneficial instructional model for the majority of our students because it best meets their academic, behavior, language, and social needs. We intend to continue to offer in-person instruction as long as safely able. However, we are relying on you to do your part.

On November 17th, Secretary of Health Dr. Rachel Levine issued an order for anyone traveling to or from Pennsylvania. People traveling to Pennsylvania from another state or returning to Pennsylvania after visiting another state may bring COVID-19 to Pennsylvania. Dr. Levine hopes that this order will reduce the spread of COVID-19 across Pennsylvania and other states. The order requires:

  • Anyone who visits Pennsylvania from another state must have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before entering Pennsylvania.  NOTE: If someone cannot get a test or chooses not to be tested, then they must quarantine for 14 days after entering Pennsylvania.
  • Anyone who visits another state must have a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours before returning to Pennsylvania or must quarantine for 14 days after returning to Pennsylvania.  NOTE: This does not apply to people who commute to and from another state for work or medical treatment.

This order begins on Friday, November 20th. To read the full order and Frequently Asked Questions from Dr. Levine, please visit COVID-19 Information for Travelers.

While we cannot enforce Dr. Levine’s order, we do ask that you will be smart and safe. Follow social distancing rules. Wear a mask. Wash your hands frequently. Follow Dr. Levine’s order. How we all behave during the holidays may determine how long WPSD continues to be able to offer in-person instruction. Be smart, be safe, and have a wonderful holiday.

For your convenience, a copy of the letter can be downloaded by clicking COVID update.   For a Spanish version of the letter, please click LETTER.   An American Sign Language presentation is offered in the video posted below this letter.

Thank you,

Tom Stanton, Ed.D.
Chief Academic Officer